The Shopping Assistant


Do you know how to check if a certain web trader can be trusted with your money? And do you have the time to find out?

Let The Shopping Assistant help you:

  • Avoid fraudulent and unserious web traders

  • Find the serious web traders and get good advice on shopping online

  • Avoid disputes with operators when subscribing to broadband

  • Knowing your rights when shopping online in Europe

  • Avoid over-indebtedness when you need to borrow money

  • Find the necessary insurance for your home and family

European trustmark schemes

Trustmarks to look for in the country in question

If the web trader has chosen to be affiliated with a trustmark scheme, this is often a sign that he has considered and is interested in ensuring your rights. The organisation behind the trustmark scheme will also normally monitor the web trader’s compliance with the trustmark’s rules and regulations, which you can find by clicking on the trustmark logo.

Below you will find a country by country overview of the existing European e-commerce trustmark schemes we have knowledge of.

Austria Austria

Belgium Belgium

Belgium Belgium

Czech Republic Czech Republic

Denmark Denmark

Estonia Estonia

France France

Germany Germany

Greece Greece

Ireland Ireland

Italy Italy

Latvia Latvia

Netherlands Netherlands

Norway Norway

Portugal Portugal

Spain Spain

Switzerland Switzerland

Sweden Sweden